education is growing because the UNESCO and the United Cities and
Local Governments (UCLG) have adopted cultural vitality as the fourth
pillar of sustainable development alongside the other three: environmental
responsibility, economic viability, and social equity. Learning
about Chinese culture has become more and more important since China
has risen as a major player in the world politics and economy. The
demand of learning Chinese culture in the West is expected to increase
in the next 10-20 years as China continues to exert its influence
on the rest of the world.
The Neoland
School of Chinese Culture works in partnership with Western universities
to promote cultural understanding and exchange between China and
the West through cultural education. It is conceived that Chinese
and Western cultures are complementary; incorporating Chinese cultural
education into Western educational system is necessary for a healthy
and balanced development of younger generations to survive and flourish
in a rapidly changing, culturally diverse, global society.
© Neoland School of Chinese Culture. All Rights Reserved.
Site created and maintained by Dr Donia Zhang